About us

We are more than just a AI-powered App.

Learn about the vision, mission, and values that drive TruxxAI forward.

At Truxx.AI, we're all about making life easier for truck drivers and company owners. Founded in 2022, our goal is to use smart technology to handle the repetitive tasks in trucking, so you can focus on the road and your business. With our AI tools, we aim to make trucking more efficient, productive, and sustainable. Join us in transforming the future of trucking with solutions that work for you.

Our Mission

Our mission at Truxx.AI is simple: to change the trucking industry for the better by automating the repetitive tasks that take up your time. We want to help truck drivers and company owners run their operations more smoothly and efficiently. By using the latest AI technology, we make processes simpler and more effective, helping you achieve more with less effort. Let's work together to shape a brighter future for trucking.


Our Values


We love to innovate. At Truxx.AI, we're always looking for new ways to use AI to improve the trucking industry. We stay on the cutting edge of technology to bring you the best solutions.


Teamwork is key. We believe that by working together, we can achieve great things. We create a supportive environment where everyone's ideas are heard and valued.


You are our focus. We listen to what you need and aim to exceed your expectations. Our goal is to provide solutions that truly make a difference in your day-to-day operations.


We believe in doing the right thing. At Truxx.AI, we act with honesty and transparency in everything we do. We build trust with our customers, partners, and team members through ethical behavior.

Continuous Improvement

We're always learning. We strive to improve continuously and welcome feedback to make our products and services better. We're committed to challenging the status quo and finding new ways to enhance our solutions.


We care about the future. Our solutions are designed to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable practices in trucking. We are dedicated to contributing to a greener and more sustainable industry.

At Truxx.AI, we're committed to making the trucking industry better with AI-driven solutions that improve efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. Ready to see the difference Truxx.AI can make for you? Get Started for Free today and join us in revolutionizing trucking.

Experience the TruxxAI Advantage

Optimize your routes, reduce downtime, and maximize profits with AI-powered dispatching.

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